Advertiser Email Blasts
Please fill out the form below with the details you'd like us to include in your email blast. Our editorial team will use the details and suggestions you provide to put together your e-blast.
Please use no more than 9 words and 60 characters. Forty characters is optimal length.
This is the sentence that appears under the subject line in each recipient's inbox. Please provide 35-90 characters
This is the copy recipients see when they open the emailer. Please provide 100 to 150 Words
Please do not include full sales sheets or flyers that contain descriptor paragraphs or sentences. Images should contain only heading text or no text at all. Please use the image size 600x400
Include a brief sentence that answers the question: What do you want the recipient of the email to do? Make a purchase? Read an article?
Please add the hyperlink that you'd like the recipient to visit when they click on the call-to-action button.
Is there anything else that this email should include?