It’s time to knock your business’s revenue goals out of park.
It’s time for a both/and approach to your advertising ROI. It’s time to both leverage the passionate engagement of niche audiences and the high circ of larger, more generalist publications.
Both print and multiple digital channels, including high-traffic sites, opt-in email newsletters, and highly engaged social media audiences.
Both the long-tail benefits of print and the more frequent touches that digital engagement provides.
Both the high circ numbers you get from larger, generalist publications and custom ads targeted to each niche audience.
You get multi-channel access and engagement for your brand: newsstand, print and digital subscriptions, web sites, e-newsletters, and social media feeds. Here’s why we offer the best bang for your ad buy buck.
Our Engaged enthusiasts are #extra. They are eager to dive into and act on what they discover in our content.
Sure, some general interest publications have higher circulations than any one of our niche enthusiast market mags, but much of the big guys’ circ comes from force-free trials sent to places like barber shops and doctor’s offices. There’s not a lot of ROI that comes from a magazine that sits on an end table while people find the stuff that really interests them on their phones. There’s much more ROI to harvested from readers who have intentionally subscribed to our content because they want to enrich their life experiences. If you advertise with us, your product can become part of their content experience—and part of their lives.
2. You get the big circ numbers you’d get from more expensive, general interest publications AND the passionately engaged audiences that come only from niche publications.
Advertise with us, and we will both expand your reach and allow you to customize your ad’s images and copy for each niche audience you’re targeting.
3. Digital is great, but people still love print.
Sometimes, screens make people feel like they’re at work. Yuck. When it’s time to focus on life, people pick up ditch the screen and pick up print. Print’s there for us in the camp chair we set up outside or in our comfiest chair at home. Print’s there for us when when there’s no WiFi or cell signal.
4. Print is great, but people still love digital.
Our digital content is right where our enthusiasts are—whether they’re waiting for an appointment, taking a break at work, or just craving a little infusion of what they love into their daily lives.
3622 Lyckan Parkway Suite 3003 Durham, North Carolina 27707